Give your fans a voice

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Set up in seconds

Airtime Voice takes the hassle out of sourcing and recording vox pops, allowing you more time to focus on your survey research.

Step 1

Add an open-ended question to your online survey.

Step 2

Select "Enable Voice Recording" to activate Airtime Voice.

Step 3

Launch survey and listen to responses via the Results page as they arrive.

Step 4

Export the MP3s individually or in bulk.

Super easy for you, even easier for your Club Members.

Working in the radio industry, you understand better than most the importance of voice. Airtime Surveys has always provided a platform through which your listeners' can voice their opinions, but with this feature, we're giving them the option to record their responses.

Try it out

Hear it in action

NB: These voice recordings have been edited to protect the identity of the participants.

Here’s what radio stations are already saying about Airtime Voice

Save time, get quality voice recordings that can be used on air.

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